My wife and I have been remodeling the kitchen over the 4th weekend. It really reminds me of some of the things I want to 'remodel' in my classroom. More podcasts, more podcasts, more podcasts. I really feel like I can tap into the power of Web 2.0 so much more than I have been. I imagine the power of students connected through facebook groups, where students have instant access to classmates for questions, etc.
I know this can work, as last semester was winding up I had students asking questions at midnight the night before the exam on facebook. I can't remember everything about my own school experience, but I know I couldn't contact my teacher the night before an exam. Let's be honest, that is awesome!!!
All of my plans come with the bitter sweet knowledge that my partner in crime will be doing his thing in New Mexico. Great things are coming his way out there, and I know great things will continue at the Valley, but it will be a different Valley (especially for me). I wish Jeff the best in all he does and hold him to the fire knowing we can facebook, e-mail, cellphone, or skype anytime we want! I wish my good friend luck and love in the West!